My Review for Samsung Galaxy Tab GT-P1000

This is not another new telephone either yet I will reviewit to help those individuals who are wanting to purchase a telephone. Th…
This is not another new telephone either yet I will reviewit to help those individuals who are wanting to purchase a telephone. Th…
I want to allot more time in this site so that I can add up more friends in the future. Well, I work for around 12 hours a day and…
I have been in this site for around three months and I still haven't get my goal of having around 2,000 followers. I think that wi…
I just seen and joined the site after seeing buzz from a friend in this site and try the site. To my surprise they pay big. I was …
After two months of staying in this site, I finally getting some positive changes with my account. I hope that the luck will not e…
The new year is getting better Im getting a better BUZZ in this site. I wish the luck that I found on this site will never stop. I…
I really love LINUX, it saves me money from buying a new PC. I think this is even better than windows in many ways. I'm not a game…
I just bought a computer monitor last December 18,2014. I hope with the use of the new monitor, I can spare more time in answering…
Im always on the look for the new operating system. I love Windows Operating System as they set the industry standards. However, i…
I have a single conclusion on all the internet providers here in the Philippines. Smart Communication sucks! They promise a monthl…