TO BE INTERESTING PERSON How to be interesting person? Why do we need be interesting person? What is interesting person like? S…
TO BE INTERESTING PERSON How to be interesting person? Why do we need be interesting person? What is interesting person like? S…
DISCIPLINE Discipline is very important to be successful men, but the problem is many people unrealized about that. What is th…
Sexual Harassments (SH) Now day many people to be victim of SH we dont know who should be blamed .as far as I can see many victims…
PIRACY The piracy isnt a strange word anymore for everyone. We have often found it in newspapers, magazines, televisions, and even…
MUSLIM CELEBRATION (Maulid Nabi) What Do You Know About Maulid Nabi? What do usually People do in maulid nabi in your hometown? H…
AIR POLLUTION Dangerous : berbahayaDestroy : merusakRubbish : sampahPollution : polusiSmoke : merokok, asapVehicle : kendaraanProt…
HAVING MUCH MONEY Shopping : belanja Work hard : kerja keras Save : menyimpan Make : account:menabung Charity : amal Extravagan…
INFORMATION Everyone needs information to do many things not only to get job but also the other things such as education, word cu…
SKILL OR CERTIFICATE Face :menghadapi Miss tomorrow :ketinggalan jaman Pessimist :pesimis Optimist :optimis Survive :bertahan Inn…
LOOKING FOR LIFE PARTNER Make decision :mebuat keputusan Choose :memilih Performance :penampilan Comfortable :nyaman Appearance :…