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Moh Sodik

Baghdad a powerful roadside bom blast in a central Baghdad shopping street killed a US soldier and two Iraqi Children on Sunday. a…

by moh-sodik

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Moh Sodik

Yesterday at my school we had international day. we had performance, foods stalls, displays and some of us were dressed in costume…

by moh-sodik

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Moh Sodik

Sydney is Australia's oldest, largest, and liveliest state capital with a population of over 3.000.000. It is a colorful modern ci…

by moh-sodik

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Moh Sodik

Ilahi save me by torture of the hell Ilahi show me to a lot of straight ways Ilahi add me much knowledge of useful Ilahi show me t…

by moh-sodik

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Moh Sodik

Do you know what the meaning of corruption is? What is the relation between money and corruption? Well, corruption is common every…

by moh-sodik

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Moh Sodik

Wood chipping is a process used to obtain pulp and paper products from forest trees. The wood chipping process begins when the tre…

by moh-sodik

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Moh Sodik

For many years, many people believed that the cleverest animals after man were the chimpanzees. Now, however, there is proof that …

by moh-sodik

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Moh Sodik

Jakarta is a capital city of Indonesia. It is centrally located within the country on the northwest coast of Java island at the mo…

by moh-sodik

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Moh Sodik

Let me remind you my experiences during an earthquake last week. When the earthquake happened, I was on my car. I was driving home…

by moh-sodik

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The smartest animal

Moh Sodik

Once there was a farmer from Laos. Every morning and every evening, he ploughed his field with is buffalo. One day, a tiger saw th…

by moh-sodik

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