INFORMATION Everyone needs information to do many things not only to get job but also the other things such as education, word cu…
INFORMATION Everyone needs information to do many things not only to get job but also the other things such as education, word cu…
SKILL OR CERTIFICATE Face :menghadapi Miss tomorrow :ketinggalan jaman Pessimist :pesimis Optimist :optimis Survive :bertahan Inn…
LOOKING FOR LIFE PARTNER Make decision :mebuat keputusan Choose :memilih Performance :penampilan Comfortable :nyaman Appearance :…
TOURISM PLACE Enjoy :menikmatiFresh :segarHaving fun :bersenang-senangHoliday :liburanVacation :liburanFriendship :persehabatanBen…
CAREER WOMAN House wife :ibu RT Broken home :masalah RT Increase :meningkatkan Effect :akibat Juvenile delinquency :kenakalan rem…
ENGLISH LANGUAGE Why English? What is the difference between English language and yours? How to make your language to be internat…
SHARE INFO BISNIS :Assalamu'alaikum.... ikut bisnis baru PLATINUM RESIGN sama saya yuk... legalitas perusahaan lengkap. Yg mau gab…
INDEPENDENT DAY What do you have in mind about Independent Day? Is it important that Independent Day celebrated? What kind of cel…
TOURISM PLACE Idea:pendapat Weekend :akhir minggu Express:menyampaikan Boring :membosankan Bored :bosan View :panorama Enjoy :men…
THE TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCES What are the good and the bad effect for young generation? How to keep the young generation from the b…