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Moh Sodik

BE A LEADER Member : anggota Responsible : bertanggung jawab Care : peduli Discipline : disiplin Obey : patuh Pattern : te…

by moh-sodik

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Moh Sodik

INDEPENDENT DAY What do you have in mind about Independent Day? Is it important that Independent Day celebrated? What kind of cel…

by moh-sodik

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Moh Sodik

TOURISM PLACE Idea:pendapat Weekend :akhir minggu Express:menyampaikan Boring :membosankan Bored :bosan View :panorama Enjoy :men…

by moh-sodik

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Moh Sodik

THE TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCES What are the good and the bad effect for young generation? How to keep the young generation from the b…

by moh-sodik

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Moh Sodik

Sexual Harassments (SH) Now day many people to be victim of SH we dont know who should be blamed .as far as I can see many victims…

by moh-sodik

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Moh Sodik

PIRACY The piracy isnt a strange word anymore for everyone. We have often found it in newspapers, magazines, televisions, and eve…

by moh-sodik

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