
The phenomenon of standardization is "a concept used to characterize the formulaic products of capitalist-driven mass media and ma…
The phenomenon of standardization is "a concept used to characterize the formulaic products of capitalist-driven mass media and ma…
Because Adorno's American citizenship would have been forfeited by the middle of 1952 had he continued to stay outside the country…
In September 1951 Adorno returned to the United States for a six-week visit, during which he attended the opening of the Hacker Ps…
Starting with his 1947 essayWagner, Nietzsche and Hitler,[30]Adorno produced a series of influential works to describe psychologic…
Upon his return, Adorno helped shape the political culture of West Germany. Until his death in 1969, twenty years after his return…
After the possibility of transferring hishabilitationto theUniversity of Viennacame to nothing, Adorno considered relocating to Br…
During the summer of 1924, the Viennese composerAlban Berg's Three Fragments fromWozzeck, op. 7 premiered in Frankfurt, at which t…
Theodor W. Adorno (alias: Theodor Adorno-Wiesengrund) was born as Theodor Ludwig Wiesengrund inFrankfurt am Mainon September 11, 1…
Theodor W. Adorno(/əˈdɔːrnoʊ/;[5]German:[aˈdɔʀno]; bornTheodor Ludwig Wiesengrund; September 11, 1903 August 6, 1969) was …
Interference Archiveis a collectively-run archive in Brooklyn, New York that opened in December 2011. The Archive explores the rel…