An “Apple Engineer” Explains The 2015 MacBook
The new MacBook has been lets say, divisive. Even within TechCrunch, weve got one side suggesting its a betrayal while the other d…
The new MacBook has been lets say, divisive. Even within TechCrunch, weve got one side suggesting its a betrayal while the other d…
Seriously, fuck them, wrote one tweeter called M.J.The person was speaking about Apple and the new MacBook the company recently an…
Years ago, when Steve Jobs decided that mice needed only one button, Apple had a problem. While Mac users were busy clicking on th…
Weve seen the Millenium Falcon quadcopter. Weve seen a TIE Interceptor quadcopter. But a Speeder Bike? WITH a Scout trooper on top…
The firstbreast cancer ResearchKit app, called Share The Journey, is focused on studying post-treatment women to identify follow o…
This week Apple bundleda big announcement inside its long awaited Apple Watch Spring Forward event. Namely the launch ofResearchKi…
Even with all the freedom and monetization options it offers, Place faces a bitter turf war. There are countless communication too…
Plenty of DIY social platforms and micro-sharing tools have petered out, but that was a different time. Place is most obviously co…
With the burn rate cut in half and leadership squared away, it was time for Backplane to fulfill its destiny. In June 2014 the sta…
With smoke filling the cockpit, by early 2014, Backplane and it CEO Michelsen knew the company had to change course.He opened a $1…