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Riza Asuncion-Gomez

Have you seen the new updates? Well, I just noticed recently when I'm about to use the sticker comment that those categories for t…

by riza-gomez

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Retirement Plans

Riza Asuncion-Gomez

Retirement plays an important role in our lives when we get older. It's like thinking on how we will live at a certain point when …

by riza-gomez

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Riza Asuncion-Gomez

A great day everyone! Oh well, I though I already made a blog about my uniform yesterday which is Australia, but when I browse dow…

by riza-gomez

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Being Appreciative

Riza Asuncion-Gomez

Appreciation is important in raising a child. Children tends to perform well if they receive an appreciation coming from their eld…

by riza-gomez

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