11 Popular Songs the CIA Used to Torture Prisoners in the War on Terror- Tom Barnes
![Jerico Mandaing](https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10269384_10152071251002686_2596228492804777483_n.jpg?oh=3ec2c7ccbbff4c8ee11b36e04f8caac7&oe=54E8129D&__gda__=1421451659_7369ada52ad2d3f821a781762259_fa_thumb_medium.jpg)
Imagine you are chained with your hands between your legs, crouching. You're isolated in a small, dark room with earphones you can…
Imagine you are chained with your hands between your legs, crouching. You're isolated in a small, dark room with earphones you can…