
Due to their towering legs and their long necks, giraffes stand as the world's tallest mammal. Their legs alone are taller than th…
Due to their towering legs and their long necks, giraffes stand as the world's tallest mammal. Their legs alone are taller than th…
Butterflies Butterflies are of the order of Lepidoptera and are mainly day-flying insects. Butterflies have four life stages: egg,…
Car savvy is counting down for the new cars for 2014. Here are some the hottest new automobile for 2014. Listed by the Forbes. Fi…
No longer for the Apple fans to own the new iPad Air and Apple mini with the retina display. A week ago of the launch event in San…
Finally, the new 100 dollars bills hit the streets. Get to know more about them! The new sophisticated features of The new $100 bi…
A marine science instructor, Jasmine Santana, found a massive sea monster a.k.a. an 18-foot oarfish off the southern California co…
One of the most common myths that we hear about rabbits and mice is that rabbits love carrots and mice love cheese. Well not so fa…
Im sure we can all relate to some common expressions we use on a daily basis that involve animals. If you cant think of any off th…
It turned out that the Gardenir's Seychelles frog is not enough and can hear, with its mouth. For years scientists believed this s…
Picture me this; a monster snake with a length of 50 feet weighing approximately 2,500 pounds. Sounds like something out of a sci-…