Josh Evans Shoot

i was one of his camera operators for his shoot and he told us that we were not allowed to know the identity of the masked man but…
i was one of his camera operators for his shoot and he told us that we were not allowed to know the identity of the masked man but…
i was on camera for Ayla's shoot. i brought my camera and i drove for the shoot. the day did go well but on a whole i did find it …
This day was going to be the day of the dance itself and i had brought my camera again to mulit-cam the shoot. We had obstacles on…
This shoot was much better, we start on the weekend getting interviews with oscars sister and also her dance teacher, i set up my …
I was on camera for oscars shoot and i learnt so much about the camera but also we all had a bad time with someone on the crew. Th…
I managed to get on Will Pugh's shoot and i was taking stills for him on the day but i also did other various tasks throughout the…
i was a runner for liz man and i found myself being the kit car at first but soon enough was helping out with the shoot. i enjoyed…
Started my Crewing hours by building a set for Kelly Gills. i did 15 hours for them to help build a set. i learnt how to build a s…
We started off the shoot going to derby to interview a client that Louisa found for her documentary about beauty. i was on camera …
i started a project for making a music video, i ultimately used the shot Stephen wanted but o the day i did come up with a few of …