Whats the problem on earth today? Hello friends as you can see here on earth there are lot of problems thats been happening. There…
Whats the problem on earth today? Hello friends as you can see here on earth there are lot of problems thats been happening. There…
Prayer Meeting: Hello friends I just came from the church prayer meeting and I was very happy because my wife and me were present …
We are forgiven .Me and you were forgiven because He was forsaken. We we were accepted because He was condemn. Dear brothers and s…
Did you experienced of being angry? I really felt sorry earlier because of a certain person. I usually controlled my temper becaus…
Just finished watching Tv.Me and my family watched the movie entitled war on the worlds. It was an interesting movie that will mak…
Just Came from the meeting. I been working in the cooperative for more than ten years it was so wonderful and great experienced th…
PayPal Payment Processor: Online Processor is a great blessing to all of us who perform or find some extra income online. There ar…
All about lemon grass. Lemon grass is one of the ingedients in cooking, it is widely use in lechon manok or grilled chicken here …
The wonders and miracle of nature that God given to us. Moringa was labeled as miracle tree because of its high nutritional value.…
Hello guys and friends it was a very hard day today because I suffered to much pain in my head. Head ache is one of the painful pa…