Afghanistan Culture
Afghanistan languages There are almost 40 languages spoken in Afghanistan, Uzbeki, Turkmen, Balochi, Pashayi, Nuristani, Dari, Pas…
Afghanistan languages There are almost 40 languages spoken in Afghanistan, Uzbeki, Turkmen, Balochi, Pashayi, Nuristani, Dari, Pas…
یكي از مهمترین آزمایشی Ú©Ù‡ انسان در زندگی خود به آن روبر میباشد انتخاب دو…
For learning Knowledge gender is not important. Seeking education is an obligation for every man and woman. Learning also educatio…
The first school in Afghanistan One hundred and five years ago, in the reign of Habibullah, the first modern schoolwas build. Habi…
تیم استقلال کابل بعد از سپری نمودن مسابقات زیادی توانست عنوان قهرمانی Ù‡…
When Taliban were in Afghanistan, they did not allow to female to go to school for learning education which is very important for …
انسانهایی Ú©Ù‡ به سن بلوغ رسیده اند به بسیار سختی با غم Ùˆ اندوه Ú©Ù‡ دامنشان …
Large number ofinnocent children in Afghanistan instead of going schools, instead of childish hobbies they are looking for a morse…
با دیدن مستندی در سایت (بی سی اس نیوز) که راجع به کشتی و کشتیرانی بود که یڅ
What is security? In my idea having safety Life, physical and mental health of people in a society is security, but unfortunate…