10 Cancer signs that most people usually ignore

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If you are suffering from any minor health issue like pain, fever, cough, or any other health issue, it doesn’t mean that you should not take it seriously. These common health ailments may be the first signs of cancer, especially if they persist for a longer period of time , or if the condition worsens.

Researchers at the Cancer Research, UK, through their study found that more than half of the adult poplutaion had experienced the alarm bells for cancer, but sadly only two percent of them believed that these signs might lead to cancer. Having any of these signs do not necessarily mean that you have a cancerous tumour somewhere, but if any of these conditions are found to have no reason attached to them, then you might have to consult your doctor sooner than later.

Continue reading, to know about 10 early cancer signs that most people usually ignore.


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My name kamran and i leave in pakistan

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