Main Causes Heart Disease arises from various factors that we often take for granted. In fact, heart disease is still one of serious diseases were pretty awful in the community. Although heart disease is often hit the elderly, young people still need to maintain a healthy body. Heart disease is generally due to lifestyle issues as well as environmental conditions. Here is the information we reports from various sources about the causes of heart disease.
1. Obesity (overweight)
Research on the causes of heart disease astounding data shows that when the body is overweight, then the accumulation of fat cells will make the heart work harder to pump blood throughout the body. Obesity also causes serious problems in other vital organs, including the kidneys. Obesity problem infecting people with less healthy lifestyles. Highly recommended for you to prevent obesity by meeting food intake is not excessive and balanced with exercise or activity of motion. Obesity is also a problem that occurs due to the effects of consuming drugs. With the fat that covers the muscles, the muscles will be weak in the move.
2. Diabetes (Diabetes)
Other major influences that cause heart disease is diabetes. In addition to a degenerative disease or a derivative that is very dangerous because it triggers heart disease and stroke, penaykit will also increase the risk of blood vessel constriction and arteriosclerosis. To prevent diabetes, it is advisable to maintain ideal body weight in order to remain with exercise and diet in order to get a balanced nutrition. For those who frequently consume sweet tea, should be reduced in frequency due to the intake of sugar in the sweet tea that causes blood sugar to rise. Another way is to reduce the calories that there padah sweet tea which is about 250 to 300 for the body only requires 1,900 calories per day. Change your habit who like to drink tea with emphasis on drinking water. If necessary, tea without sugar or limit the use of as much as two teaspoons of sugar every day.
3. Hypertension (high blood)
The main factor of coronary heart disease is hypertension because of its association with arterial highly era. When a person has hypertension, there will be damage to the walls and parts of the arteries so that blood was frozen. Thus, the work of the heart to pump blood to be obstructed. Over time, if left unchecked will increase the risk of heart attack.
4. Cholesterol (high blood fats)
Other major causes of heart disease are increased levels of cholesterol. LDL cholesterol is often aka bad cholesterol increases the risk of arteriosclerosis and heart attack. A person with high cholesterol that exceeds the needs of LDL tend to have an increased risk of heart disease as cholesterol will circulate in the blood and then collected around the walls of arteries and form plaque which makes artery walls more rigid. It is not impossible if later there will be a narrowing of the blood vessel cavity that leads to heart disease.
To prevent high cholesterol levels, it is fitting you eat low cholesterol foods such as seafood, saturan, fruits, fish and soy.
5. Physical activity less
Less body fat move will make it easier to continue to accumulate. No wonder if someone with a motion activity is very less prone to obesity which will then lead to the heart muscle does not work properly. Running, jogging, swimming and so is the right way to burn fat and avoid heart disease.
6. Poor Lifestyle
Major factor contributing to heart problems is an unhealthy lifestyle such as smoking, drinking alcohol, not diet or even irregular sleep. Thus, in order to set a more healthy lifestyle is the best solution to avoid heart disease early on.
7. Stress
When the body is stressed in quite a long time, the work of the heart to form the adrenaline will be heavy and will certainly damage the health of the heart vessels. Stress also even trigger a burst of adrenaline high, including catecholamine substance. Heart blood vessel constriction and heart rate increase would interfere with the blood supply. Keep your heart happy, ranging from roads, yoga, meditation or other.
8. The Descendants
Parents who have a history of heart disease provides an opportunity for the child to inherit the disease.
9. Age and sex
Currently, you may still feel young and even with a less healthy lifestyle you are not worried about heart disease. But keep in mind, heart disease generally comes when someone at the age of 65 years and mostly affect men.
10. Environment
Who says only smokers who have a great chance to experience the problems of heart disease? If smokers likely to develop heart disease two times greater than people who do not smoke, then you are living with heavy smokers at home are minimal ventilation will be exposed to higher risk of heart problems. Because, your condition is passive smokers who inhale the oxygen that has been mixed with non acid (carbon monoxide). Of course the substance is highly enough to make you a heart attack.
The heart is a very important asset for the body, which also need to watch his health. With a healthy lifestyle at a young age, you will not suffer by Major Cause of Heart Disease who have been informed. Because, as well as possible grateful God is to keep his gifts.