10 Most Weirdest Interview Questions

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1. Are you more of a hunter or a gatherer? - DELL

2. What is your least favorite thing about humanity?   -  ZocDoc

3. If you could throw a parade of any caliber through the Zappos office, what type of parade would it be?  - Zappos

4. How many square feet of pizza are eaten in the U.S. each year?  -  Goldman Sachs

5. Have you ever been on a boat?  -  Applied System

6. Describe to me the process and benefits of wearing a seat belt.  -  Active Network

7. How does the Internet work?  -  Akamai

8. If you were a pizza delivery man, how would you benefit from scissors?  -  Apple

9. How honest are you?  -  Allied Telesis

10.  Why is a tennis ball fuzzy?  - Xerox

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