10 things not to do when you get fat

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You've put on a few pounds is not budgeted and now your beloved jeans there are more. True, a "surfing" the net and tips to lose weight you find as you want, but sometimes success is not only measured on the scale based on what "you do" but rather, that "it is not done " . In other words, once it is established that it is greased, we must not only think about the fastest way to dispose of the flab, but also to what behaviors do NOT take to avoid aggravating the problem. The website "Women's Health" has identified ten o'clock , be deleted immediately from your daily menu or risk finding yourself with a lot more of that fateful couple of excess pounds.Discover them below or in the gallery above. 1 - Do not start skipping meals Several studies have shown that it is better to eat frequently (obviously not overeat, but by choosing healthy snacks within a few hours) rather than not eating at all, because This will stabilize your blood sugar and should be avoided so you get hungry later in the day, with the risk of harmful food choices. 2 - Do not mentally (for the pounds you picked up) Fill it in front of the mirror for a merciless analysis of rolls or repeat to you that you are fat does not magically go away the flab. On the contrary, this behavior is likely to play them against punitive, intristendovi even more and pushing you to seek comfort in food. The solution? Be kind to yourself, accept yourself (for now) with a few extra pounds and focus on positive thoughts. 3 - Do notspend a fortune on new clothes Losing weight requires the right time, then return in the usual jeans may not be so straightforward. But given that the weight gain is only temporary, try to avoid to stock up on clothes extra large size and focus instead on a few comfortable clothes that make them feel good in your new skin. 4 - Do not weigh yourself constantly Patience and perseverance are the golden rules of weight loss really effective, combining a balanced diet and exercise, taking control stress levels. Typically, a person should not lose more than a pound, up to one pound in a week, but the values ​​can vary depending on your metabolism and water retention of each. To avoid getting caught by the anxiety scale, best to weigh yourself once a week and in the morning, so as to focus on the weight loss process, not the number that appears on the display. 5 - Do not overdo the exercise ... more start slowly but be consistent, rather than be ambitious but unrealistic, thus ruining the whole plan. Among other things, doing too much exercise is likely to put even more appetite and so eventually the pounds increase rather than decrease. 6 - ... but do not stop it even Muscles are metabolically more active than other tissues, so your extra pounds have nothing to do with an excess of muscle mass. As a result, we'd better think twice before dropping the weights from your fitness regime, because they were the ones to make you fatter. 7 - Do not try a diet "miraculous" Your goal is not only to find the easiest way and easy to fit in your size, but also to stay there as long as possible (in your size) without putting your health at risk. That's why the "miracle diets" in the past few years to no avail: true, eliminating a certain food group, in many cases, weight loss is lightning, but just start eating normally in a hurry to regain the lost pounds and sometimes someone more.

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