10 Tips for Financial Independence

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The tips came from a multi-awarded Chinese-Filipino entrepreneur and journalist, who, according to him, if diligently practiced would ultimately  brings you financial independence. Here they are:

1.  Avoid unnecessary and excessive debt.

2. Always delay buying something , compare first.

3. Don't compare yourself to others.

4. Spend less than what you earn.

5. Save first before spending your income.

6. Don't just save, invest.

7. List down all your expenses.

8. Buy insurance for car, home, and your life.

9. Analyze and plan your taxes.

10.Have a wife or husband who won't overspend and over-borrow.

About the author


Sitateres is a college librarian and a part-time freelance writer. She has been blogging and writing articles on the web since 2007. She holds a Business Administration degree and finished all academic requirements leading to Master of Library and Information Science.

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