12.You keep on reading his message time and time again...
11. You are walking in slow motion when he is with you
10. You try to show that you are shy girl in presence of him
9.When you think about him ,your heart bit raises
8. When you hear his voice then u got smile without any reason
7. While staring at him in a mass you forget every other living thing there :)
6. You start to listen slow romantic songs
5. He become your center of thought
4. With his smell you get so excited and smiling
3. You will come to know the fact that you keep on smiling whenever you think about him
2. You are ready to do anything for him
1.Also just now when you read this and you are in love then you are seeing him in your mind.. :D :D
Article Source : http://www.bubblews.com/news/8324169-12-signs-tells-that-you-are-in-love
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