12 that should help you more memorable

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Holding hands

This may sound strange, but recent research shows that movement right hand clenched into a fist shape and a little stressed, will help you easily remember numbers or more shopping lists. Then, when you want to recall information, clenched his left hand again. Group researchers said that when a subsequent fist motion activated brain regions, this is the crux of the storage and recall memories.

Use the alphabet

When you try to recall information, such as the name of an actor in a movie, but seems to be very difficult. Use the search methods alphabetically. Basically, the investigators found a letter to the first letter of the word or name you're trying to remember is to trigger your memory. This procedure is really effective.

Exercise more often

This is not the activity requires knowledge and coordination, as many studies have shown that aerobic exercise improves cognitive function and especially good memory enhancement. In addition, exercise also accelerate production of new brain cells in the hippocampus - the brain region important for learning and remembering.

Do not drink the evening

Alcohol may help you fall asleep but interrupted that night. Furthermore, the researchers said alcohol harm concentration and memory. Drink as much as you can as hard and deep sleep quality.

Read aloud what to remember

The memory experts said, the easiest way to memorize anything is to say to these things, there are places where you can take your car keys, you need to buy at the store or review articles upcoming test. Research shows that, when it comes to yourself what you want to remember, or even repeated, will help you easily recall it better.

No smoking

If you think that smoking leads to cancer, only then you are wrong. Another study found that smokers in middle age perform memory tests for poor outcomes than non-smokers.

Considering herself a suggestion

If you must do something every day at a specific time that you often forget, there is a technique called implementation intentions can help you. For example, you say to yourself: "On the way home, I had to get some clothes from the dry cleaners." Saying that would make it easier to remember.

Speak image

This method supports memory involves the use of visual images or media instead of words. For example, the classic way to remember a person's name to try to imagine it (or something related to it) on his face. The psychologists found that, strange images and vivid as this approach is more efficient.

Consume more milk

For research purposes, scientists require study participants to fill out a detailed survey about their diet in order to test the ability to focus, memory and learning ability. They found that people who eat dairy products at least 5 or 6 times a week did the test better memory than those who rarely use milk.

Do not eat too much

According to an American study, eating too much can double the risk of having memory problems in old age. Research shows that if a body charging high calories will significantly increase the risk of mild cognitive impairment, or MCI, is typical of dementia, may come before the amnesia.

Take a walk in the park

One study found that people who walk around a garden will do better than 20% of the memory tests than those who walk on the street.

The dance music

Not just people who love music perform better in cognitive tests, the study also points out the benefits of music for people with Alzheimer's disease. It is believed that music with melodies and strong musical notes, such as reggae and salsa, which is good for memory and problem solving ability. In fact, the dance music is complex, the brain will be more challenging.


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