15 Everyday Situations All Muslims Can Relate To

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If you have grown up and lived all your life in a Muslim household, you can surely relate to the following situations!

1. That feeling when you cut off the person in the middle of a sentence because he did not say salam.

1. That feeling when you cut off the friend in the middle of a sentence because he did not say salam.
Halal Humour

2. When you go to ask your parents for permission.

2. When you go to ask your parents for permission.
Halal Humour

3. The struggle is real…

3. The struggle is real...
Halal Humour

4. When you pray five times a day… Right on time.

4. When you pray five times a day... Right on time.
Halal Humour

5. When someone wants to insult you.

5. When someone wants to insult you.
Halal Humour

6. Admit it, it happens to you every other day.

6. Admit it, it happens to you every other day.
Halal Humour

7. It is so much worse on Jummahs.

7. It is so much worse on Jummahs.
Halal Humour

8. You make sure all the doors are closed before you start to pray.

8. You make sure all the doors are closed before you start to pray.
Halal Humour

9. The most logical explanation!

9. The most logical explanation!
Halal Humour

10. Regardless of religion, parents on social media can be a nightmare.

10. Regardless of religion, parents on social media can be a nightmare.
Halal Humour

11. When you forget which rakaat you are on.. Pay attention!

11. When you forget which rakaat you are on.. Pay attention!

12. Especially in sweltering summer heat!

12. Especially in sweltering summer heat!
Halal Humour

13. When you are paying attention during the Khutbah.

13. When you are paying attention during the Khutbah.
Halal Humour

14. When you have to go shopping with the whole family!

14. When you have to go shopping with the whole family!
Muslim Memes

15. When people go crazy over imported chocolates.

15. When people go crazy over imported chocolates.
Muslim Memes

Any other situations all Muslims can relate to?

Just a reminder! This is just a fun post!

This is just a fun post!
Muslim Memes

Now go pray Salah!

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