19 Life Saving Facts That Will Come Handy In An Emergency

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The human body is amazingly strong and alarmingly frail at the same time. Falling flat on your face won’t hurt you that much, but an air bubble trapped in your bloodstream can instantly cause havoc inside your body. Accidents and bad things happen.

Here are some of the useful and quick facts that might help you save a life someday!

1. In a burning building, stay low as you try to escape. Most of the breathable air is close to the ground under the smoke. This will prevent you from inhaling toxic gases and collapsing in exhaustion.

1. In a burning building, stay low as you try to escape. Most of the breathable is close to the ground under the smoke. This will prevent you from inhaling toxic gases and collapsing in exhaustion.

2. It may seem that snow will quench your thirst, but resist the temptation of eating the snow if you are at risk of hypothermia. Your body will lose heat as the snow melts.

2. It may seem that snow will quench your thirst, but resist the temptation of eating the snow if you are at risk of hypothermia. Your body will lose heat as the snow melts.

3. Impaled or stabbed with a sharp object and it is stuck? Leave it, don’t pull it out as it will help decrease the chances of blood loss.

3. Impaled or stabbed with a sharp object and it is stuck? Leave it, don’t pull it out as it will help decrease the chances of blood loss.

4. If there is no water, don’t bother to eat either. You will survive longer.

4. If there is no water, don't bother to eat either. You will survive longer.

5. In the wilderness, breathe through your nose, not mouth, to prevent moisture loss.

5. In the wilderness, breathe through your nose, not mouth, to prevent moisture loss.

6.  If you ever get stuck in a riptide, swim parallel to the shore, not toward it.

6.  If you ever get stuck in a riptide, swim parallel to the shore, not toward it.

7. If you are yelling for help, don’t shout ‘help’. Be more specific, ‘You there in the blue shirt!’. Or else people will just ignore you.

7. If you are yelling for help, don't shout 'help'. Be more specific, 'You there in the blue shirt!'. Or else people will just ignore you.

8. If you are ever getting chased by crocodiles, run in zigzags. Crocodiles have difficulty following the pattern.

8. If you are ever getting chased by crocodiles, run in zigzags. Crocodiles have difficulty following the pattern.

9. In a group photo, if only one person has a red-eye from the flash, it could be a sign of retinoblastoma, an eye cancer.

9. In a group photo, if only one person has a red-eye from the flash, it could be a sign of retinoblastoma, an eye cancer.

10. Bikers and pedestrians, don’t ever stop in a driver’s blind spot. You can see them, but they might not be able to.

10. Bikers and pedestrians, don’t ever stop in a driver’s blind spot. You can see them, but they might not be able to.

11. Here’s a quick one, don’t text and drive.

11. Here's a quick one, don't text and drive.

12. Don’t talk while crossing the road. You should always look both ways.

12. Don't talk while crossing the road. You should always look both ways.

13. If someone has a concussion, elevate their head so that the fluid doesn’t accumulate in the brain. However, if you suspect a neck injury, don’t move the person.

13. If someone has a concussion, elevate their head so that the fluid doesn't accumulate in the brain. However, if you suspect a neck injury, don't move the person.

14. Don’t turn your back on someone with a gun. It is a lot harder to kill someone if they are looking directly at you.

14. Don’t turn your back on someone with a gun. It is a lot harder to kill someone if they are looking directly at you.

15. You can fight off black bears, but if it’s a brown bear, just lie down and pretend to be dead.

15. You can fight off black bears, but if it's a brown bear, just lie down and pretend to be dead.

16. If your cooking oil catches fire, NEVER use water to put it out. Turn off the stove, cover it up with the lid to cut off the oxygen supply and it will die out on its own.

16. If your cooking oil catches fire, NEVER use water to put it out. Turn off the stove, cover it up with the lid to cut off the oxygen supply and it will die out on its own.

17. Jeans act as a flotation device! If you are stranded in water, take your jeans off and hold them in front of you. They will help you reach the shore.

17. Jeans act as a flotation device! If you are stranded in water, take your jeans off and hold them in front of you. They will help you reach the shore.

18. Take some time and get trained in CPR and First Aid.

18. Take some time and get trained in CPR and First Aid.

19. The little but important rules of survival.

19. The little but important rules of survival.

While we hope that you don’t ever have to face such a situation, do keep these easy life-saving facts in mind!

Facts’ source: Quora.

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