20 Quick Tips on Writing Great Blog Posts

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In preparation for an interview on writing great blog content, I jotted down some ‘quick tips’.

While they are all short I hope that they might spark some ideas (I've included a few links for further reading on some of the points) – enjoy!

  1. Tell your story– it is one of the key things that will make your content stand out of the crowd

  2. Share how you feel – it will take your readers to a deeper place and make it more relatable

  3. You’ll never please everyone – the sooner you make peace with this reality, the better!

  4. Write about things that matter to you – passion is infectious and your readers will catch ahold of it. Tell the world something important.

  5. Inform, inspire and interact – aim to do these things every week (read more on this)!

  6. Experiment with different styles of writing – it will help you find your voice

  7. Mix up the length of your posts – short can be sweet but long can be epic!

  8. When an idea strikes – drop everything and capture it!

  9. Do everything you can to understand who is reading your blog – it will make you much more useful to them.

  10. Before you publish – ask what you want your reader to do after reading your post – and edit accordingly. Calls to action are important!

  11. Become hyper aware of problems – and obsessively write posts that solve them.

  12. Put aside time to create quality content – it doesn’t just appear

  13. Put aside time to edit and your posts – it will take them to the next level

  14. Get a life – you’ll be a much more interesting writer if you’ve lived a little

  15. Ask your readers questions – it will make them feel like they belong and you’ll learn a lot from their answers!

  16. Take your readers on a journey – posts that build from one to another can be powerful. Build momentum and create anticipation and you'll hook readers for the long term.

  17. Brainstorm regularly – generating ideas for future posts now can save a lot of pain later and help you keep things rolling. I highly recommend mind mapping.

  18. Not every post needs to go viral – shareable content will help you grow but it may not serve your current readers best.

  19. Write, Write Write – the more you practice, the better you will get

  20. Publish selectively – you don’t need to publish everything you write

What quick blog writing tips would you add?

Soure: https://www.linkedin.com/today/post/article/20140602121530-3161863-20-quick-tips-on-writing-great-blog-posts


About the author


I'm Tai Phuong. Tobe a active student of University Information Technology, I want to connect to all people in the world. Please sub me and buzz buzz buzz. Thanks all

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