2012 is looking good for film production

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2011 over all was pretty quiet for film making. I spent the early part polishing old films and the second half getting The Paper Cut Collection off the ground.

I'm delighted to say that 2012 is already looking to be more eventful. I've started my next 'Paper Cut' after completing Munindigesional Void and I have been asked to cover a unique gliding event off the back of the success I received from my gliding documentary '741' (available to view on my Web TV).

All I know at the moment is that the event will run from the 14th to 21st July, it will feature extremely old and rare gliders and relates to around 50 years ago, where gliding was proposed for the Olympics, but wasn't approved. I have a feeling it's a 'what it would have been like' type of affair and should be pretty exciting.

Due to the week long shoot period, I'm hoping to make more than one film.
Either way, I want to make a film that, like 741, can be digested by anyone (not just gliding enthusiasts) and post for all to see on Film Annex by autumn/fall this year.

About the author


Currently based in West London, I'm a story teller with a curious imagination. I take inspiration from practically everything, I'm cuckoo for atmosphere and I love making films.

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