2015: Year of the Wood Goat

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The Year of the Wood Goat (also known as the year of the Wood Sheep), February 19, 2015 to February 7, 2016, combines the practicality and slow growth of Wood with Goat's creative, social, and emotionally sensitive nature.


Goat, Rabbit, and Pig natives will be especially lucky. People will simply want to help you! Teamwork becomes a priority. Get together with others on a regular basis, volunteer in the community, and spend more time just hanging out and having fun. 

Practice patience as the year begins. A powerful Solar Eclipse on March 20 will challenge many (particularly Dragon, Rat, and Monkey natives) to surrender old patterns and move in new directions. What falls away now is no longer necessary for a happy and rewarding life.

Events under the April 4 Lunar Eclipse have especial significance for Ox, Snake, and Rooster natives. Relationship issues surface and demand attention. 

Wood encourages careful analysis and practical solutions. Sudden breakthroughs are possible if you are honest. Don't get stuck in fear or anger. You are responsible for how you interpret what comes your way. Forgiveness and gratitude become powerful forces for personal transformation. 

By June, recreation, romance, creative innovation, and humor spark growing optimism. It is possible to have too much fun. Playful Goat, Rabbit, and Pig will be strongly tempted to spend more than is reasonable on pleasure or luxury items. 

The August 14 New Moon is lucky for love, especially for personable and action-oriented Tiger, Horse, and Dog. Listen to your heart and do more of the things you enjoy. 

By September, conflicts over religious or political ideals are likely to heat up. Wood Goat encourages a calmer, more cooperative approach. Qualities such as universal love, rational thinking, and community spirit come on strong and should be encouraged. Identify what you have in common with others, rather than focus on the differences. 

The September 27 Lunar Eclipse can be a wake up call concerning a toxic relationship. Set personal boundaries. You have permission to put your needs first. Clinging to the past out of sentimentality, fear, or a need to control only keeps you stuck. Taking action will let a whole new chapter of life soon begin. 

Others stand by you. Breakdowns become breakthroughs when you have the courage to hold your ground. October brings a focus on work and service. Doing things with and for others is the name of the game. A positive flow may bring an upswing in financial and job markets (particularly the health and service sectors). 

Since Goat is famous for landing on his or her feet, this could be the time when everyone begins to feel more secure. Wood influenced skills that take time to learn bring recognition and reward. Consider making lifestyle changes to improve your health and invite your friends to join you. 

At year's end, determined and analytical signs of Ox, Snake, and Rooster will be reaping the rewards of patience and careful planning. January 2016 brings a major shift in energy. Expect some exciting surprises. 

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