2016 and Beyond

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I am so looking forward to the 2016 election. There are several reasons why. Back in the 1990s the world was informed of the winner to the election. Maybe not by name, but by quatrain. I cannot remember who predicted the outcome of the 2016 election. I just remember the outcome.

I am going to be thrilled with the ourcome. I am glad I am going to be around to witness the election and the events that will follow. It is not so much the election I am looking forward to, it is the evens that follow.

Of course, I know that the events will cause quite a stir. But, sometimes things do not get done around here without a stir being caused. We are a nation who likes to ffight. I am certain before the end of the first term of the next president we will be at war with ourselves again.

This is not necessarily going to be over the same issues. But, the issues of the events that are supposed to occur during the 2016-2020 term. Even still, I am looking forward to it.

About the author


Just going through the motions of this crazy life.

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