A seismic survey was carried out in BITRISM Area by Oil and Gas Development Corporation, Pakistan. The data acquisition and processing were made by selecting appropriate field and processing parameters. This dissertation pertains to the interpretation of 60 fold stacked and migrated time section of line number 20027- BTM –02 oriented in SW-NE direction. Normal faults (Horst and Graben Geometry) are more prominent structures of the area, which formed the structural trap. The identification of these traps is one of the main tasks for the oil exploration. To observe these structures favorable for Hydrocarbon (Gas) exploration the seismic line 20027- BTM - 02 are provided by the department of Earth Sciences Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad, in order to interpret the seismic sections along the given seismic line. The given lines belong to the BITRISM block which has many Hydrocarbon (Gas) discoveries. Surveys were also carried out by the same company along the seismic lines which are given below along with their orientations.
Basae map
Geophysicist typically use short maps, which show orientation of seismic line and specific point at which seismic data are acquired to display interpretations of seismic data.Base map of the given area is as follow (fig 1.2)
Field Parameters
The recording parameters that were applied during the seismic data acquisition of the seismic line 20027-BTM-02 are given in photos of table 1.2.
These photos are related to the blogs and it is the data collected personally
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Theises Work of Zahid Latif
By @samali