3 best ways to start making money by doing what you love

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video credits: TEDx Talks via Youtube  



image credit: Docxdrl

3 best ways to start making money by doing what you love

When it comes to making money via what you love doing, it is fair to consider Jean Beltran on Bitlanders for a start, Oprah Winfrey, Donald Trump Warren Buffet. These are individuals that have seen been making money doing what they love.


image credits: JuralMin via Pixabay

 Yes we have to admit making money is everyone’s dream  but making money at the comfort of what you love doing, is the closest thing to living a fulfilled life. The secret to success is not just talent, intelligence or luck, but is the zeal, the passion, the steadfastness and the commitment towards what you love doing.

The people that love what they do, live a healthy and fulfilled life. What if Michael Jackson, was forced by his father to become a boxer, Mohammed Ali, a singer, I will assume they will fail woefully!  Mohammed Ali loves boxing, Michael Jackson loves singing.

Studying people that are successful in any sphere of life indicates in one way or another how they quit their jobs and purse their dreams. They took a bold step to do what they love, they are now making a living from it.

A person who loves what he does

If you are thinking of quitting your job to make a living online, consider 

Scoot Dinsmore a leading revolutionary to doing what you love left his fortune 500 company to help others do what they love doing. Though Scoot Dinsmore is late now, his legacy lives on. His site has 160, 000 subscribers in over 250 cities in about 65 countries. What a legacy, he left behind. Though late, he still remain an inspiration, even to me 


Edited on Cava by Docxdrl

Visit liveyourlegend , take the 15 challenges  and see how your life can change for the better.

people start  making money online;

Identifying what animate you or energize you to make money

This perhaps is what motivates, or can be described as the important quality of making money doing what you love doing. To anyone aspiring to succeed, they must visualize the possibilities of actualizing success in real life. Without the mental projection of success, an individual can be reduced to a pessimist.

The Pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty

Winston Churchill

It does not stop at just been an optimist in every difficult situation, but it also entails believing and keep moving forward till you realize your dreams.

Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today

 Will Rogers

Life and its challenges will not allow you to succeed, you have to trick your mind into believing in success by encouraging yourself from every little achievement.

It’s not whether you get knocked down, its whether you get up

Vince Lombardi

By identifying you animated states and keep encouraging yourself that your dream is feasible. You can objectify your dreams by materializing them for people to see.

This describes the activity of animating a person in making money online.

People buy things useful & pay for solutions to their problems

 Unfortunately for you, no one will pay you for what you love doing. People can only buy things that are useful to them and pay to have solutions to pressing needs or problem(s).

You may love what you do, but if it can’t solve any problem and does not meet people at the point of their need, you will not make any money doing what you love doing.


image credits: kalhh via Pixabay

Your passion may bring about raving fans around you, but think of other people problems, think about how what you love doing can bring a solution to other people’s problem.

Ask yourself the most important question. What problem am I passionate about solving? With great passion when combined with problem-solving = Money.


iamge credits: nattanan23 via Pixabay

It is Thus simple. Find what you love doing and find the person in need, and get paid.


Start small,  grow steady and plan to succeed

The key to unlocking access to success is starting small. Like a child is taught how to sit, and the child learns how to crawl before the child can work. This also is true in making money online, you have to start small, grow steady and plan on succeeding in your endeavour.


image credits: geralt via Pixabay

You may be rooted with a great passion for actualizing your dreams, but without telling people, without them knowing, no one will patronize you.

You will be surprised to know that, we need the money but don’t want to work for it. To become successful, you will have to become patient in what you do, and what you love doing that would translate into money.

To grow by doing what you love doing and make money from it, you have to advertise yourself to people and ask friends, family members and acquaintance to keep an eye for you  for anyone who would want your services.

As soon as anyone raises his hands needing your services, render the service and charge for the service with compassion.


image credits: geralt via Pixabay

Plan to become successful when doing business because planning bigots success…

If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail

Benjamin   Franklin  

In trying to start making a living doing what you love doing, you will have to decide the following, who do I inform about my product and services, who do I help that can spread the word about my product and services, what should I create right now that can be a solution to the people in my domain or the world at large.

 You can do these by creating a program, an application, a website, electricity for my community etc. to meet the people at the point of their need.

Become a problem solver, make it a habit of trying not only to do what you love doing and make money from it, but also what is relevant to do and make money from it.

image credits: Scott Dinsmore via Youtube 


Everything writing on this article is the idea and thoughts of Docxdrl


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Simple, Kind and always keeping it real

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