Generally , there are many things or factors that make / keep you success with your works at your office with other colleagues, but also there are some failures you may learn to avoid to keep your work running and success.
These below failures you may done to your colleagues and other staffs:
+Firstly , you may the person who like telling lie to your staffs or co-workers,
and never made your team members / colleagues believe in or trust in you.
+Secondly , you may like to be the person who learned all things, and experienced
all field of working, proud to other around that you're the only one capable staff
who can deal all problems.
+Thirdly , you may never honest or learn to believe in your staffs' abilities, and may
keep following them all the time, specially never encourage and provide more confident to them.
+Fourthly , you often like making wrong decisions that may very affect to your
staffs and other member in your room / office. Moreover, you never accepted
any ideas of your staffs and just choose your ideas are the priorities.
If you want to be a good staffs or supervisor in your team, you may learn more
about managing your team and specially empower your staffs.