4. Waterfall Coban Waru

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Coban Waru also known as Joyo or too Coban Coban Wonosari. Coban has a height of about 25 meters. Rainfall in this region average of 1,800 mm / year with a wet season between November and March and the dry months between April to October, which reached a temperature of about 22 ° C. This place is perfect to release the fatigue of daily activity. Virgin natural conditions and the cool air will make the mind more calm and do not want to move from this place.



Located in the hamlet Kayukebek, Wonosari Village, District Tutur, Pasuruan, East Java Province. Located about 20 km from the capital district Purwodadi. To reach this waterfall from Purwodadi (located diatara District of Lawang and Purwosari) took the direction to Nongkojajar (marked signs in the form of a large signpost bearing the image of nature tourism Nongkojajar with apples). After passing through the village Cowek, Dawuhansengon (Sengon) and Gerbo journey continues to the village of Said. On arrival at the T-junction (small roundabout) take / turn right to reach the village Nangkojajar. Distance from the Nangkojajar pertigaaan to the village about 3 km. Furthermore, from the market Nangkojajar journey continues on foot for 1 hour journey to the waterfall (keep in mind during the journey to the village of Nongkojajar be encountered several intersections, berpatokanlah in the direction marked on the stone that reads directions to Mount Bromo in the guarantee will not get lost).

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