5 Dangerous Bedtime Habits That Are Ruining Your Sleep

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1. Keeping up a sporadic sleep schedule
Having trouble sleeping lately? There's probably a logical reason why. From sleeping beside a glowing laptop screen, to sleeping in way too much on the weekends, here are 12 bedtime habits that are ruining your sleep:

2. Having a full bladder
Most people drink a glass of water before bedtime, but this practice could actually be keeping you up at night. You might have to get up one or two times during the night to run to the bathroom. Instead, stop drinking an hour or two before you plan to go to bed.

3. Facebooking into the late hours of the night
Your computer monitor actually stimulates the brain because it's so bright. Avoid late-at-night surfing and give yourself time to wind down without electronics. You'll find that after a while, it will be easier to fall asleep in bed.

4. Bringing a book to bed
If you've spent the last decade reading a book before bed, your body has adapted to that routine. So if you try to catch some shut-eye without reading, you'll probably run into some troubles. Try weaning yourself off this habit and try reading earlier at night. Most importantly, do not read in bed.

5. Setting a bright alarm clock
A bright alarm clock is just as bad as a bright computer screen. Try to keep your room as dark as possible and use a clock with a dimmer or no glowing numbers at all.

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