Stock up on ginger, honey and nuts to beat the chill. PHOTO: SHUTTERBEAN
As soon as the winter season approaches, we fill our wardrobes with warm clothes. But it is also important to keep our bodies warm from the inside. So stock up on these foods to beat the chill.
1. Ginger

Ginger lowers cholesterol levels and hence is the best choice to keep the body fit during winters. With its antibacterial properties, it is also helpful in treating coughs and colds that are quite common during this season. It can be chewed raw daily or can be added to soup or other dishes to enhance the flavour.
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2. Honey

It is instrumental in combating cold, flu or cough during winter. Even though it tastes sweet, honey doesn’t add calories and is also beneficial in keeping the body warm.
3. Nuts

A variety of nuts like peanuts, walnuts and almonds is the best source of good cholesterol, vitamins, fibre and Omega-3 fatty acids. They make for essential snacking during winters, as they are natural heat inducing foods.
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4. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a wonderful spice to shield you from falling temperatures. Add it to any cooked dish, soup or salad to add flavour or use it while making warm beverages like tea.
5. Garlic

Its antibacterial properties keep one away from common winter diseases like cold, cough and throat irritations. It also keeps cholesterol levels in check, thus aiding to good health during winters. One can have three to four garlic cloves daily or add it to cooked dishes for a flavoursome meal.