Tackling the wilderness is no easy feat, but mountain vistas and gorgeous trees await those people brave enough to try. When you're a woman, trekking out into the wilderness is extra difficult because you have to try and balance how to look good and be safe while minimizing belongings and being able to 'keep up with the boys'. 

That said, a few hacks can make your wilderness adventure a lot more fun, and also help make sure you look fantastic in all those mountain photos!



1. Sunglasses

Sunglasses are a mountain girl's best friend. No make up? No problem! Just slap on some oversized shades and smile. No one will ever know you've got giant bags under your eyes. Forgot your mascara? Not sunny? Who cares! Throw 'em on for photographs and add a cool filter to make it look like there was sun!

12 Wilderness Hacks For Outdoorsy Girls

2. Proper Shoes Are A Must

Please for the sake of your safety and everyone else's sanity, leave the heels at home. Nothing says "I don't belong here" like watching a girl attempting to hike in cutesy sandals or worse, heels. There are a ton of great options to keep you fashionable while also assisting with proper hiking. Check some out here.

12 Wilderness Hacks For Outdoorsy Girls

3. Pack a Headlamp

This is another wonderful little hack–because not only is it incredibly useful, it also covers up messy hair! Don't have time for a stylish 'do or can't squeeze your blowdryer into your backpack? Throw a headlamp on your head and you won't be able to tell–plus folks will think you are a very serious hiker. 

12 Wilderness Hacks For Outdoorsy Girls

4. Bandanas

Ditto for bandanas. They will save you in the event of a bad hair day but are also useful for so much more. I rely on my trusty Buff brand when hiking because in a pinch I can use it as a headband, hair elastic, wind shield and so much more.  Look stylish while protecting yourself from harmful UV rays!

12 Wilderness Hacks For Outdoorsy Girls

5. Pack Your Bear Spray!

Ok, I kinda love this one because it's both insanely practical and awesome. Did you know you can find bear spray that will look stylish on your key chain but also save you from an untimely death?

12 Wilderness Hacks For Outdoorsy Girls