Last night I shot the second music video with my production company First Reunion Productions.
A picture from the shoot.
The music video was for a local wolverhampton based rapper named Reload. We found an amazing location near the wolverhampton university halls of residence. The video is set at night and since i don't own a lens with a lower f-stop then 1.8 we had to find a well lit part at night. The location we found was under a bridge but with street lights that had LED bulbs so it looked amazing to film.
After a few hours of filming we wrapped it up because we got all the shots we needed.
I got back today and am currently editing it together for the first rough edit. Later on this week or next we should be filming a second shoot where we can develop a story line.
The edit is coming along and I am looking forward to the second shoot.
Anyway i must crack on with this edit.
I will be back with some more updates soon, and the music video will be uploaded on here and my Vimeo account.