Here are the habits seemingly harmless but incredibly there ... incalculable harm to your delicate skin.

You always wanted to own a youthful skin, plump and smooth? You spend a lot of money and time with all sorts of skin care cream? However, you do not see improvement as what the ad says? So, most likely, the main reason lies in your daily habits, habits seemingly harmless but incredibly there ... incalculable harm to the skin that you are cherished.

1 Skip cleanser, toner use, or ignore both

There are two basic steps for cleaning leather dress: wash and apply toner. However, so many people ignore either, or even both ... because they are too lazy or too tired. After a long day, nobody wants to spend more time inside the sink instead of in bed all.

Correction: Simply stop, do not miss a step at all. Think of them as part of the formula can not be separated. A little secret is that instead of using the fingers to wash your face, use a small sponge or soft paper to rub on your face. Reason? Use your fingertips to wash your face will only add oil to your face. With toner, you should also apply this secret material to best effect.

2 Using too many products

I would also like abdominal pain if I eat too much and eat too miscellaneous, your skin can also be "overloaded" so if you use too many skin products. Many people are obsessed by the skin, "applying plaster" all sorts of ice cream / balm to the skin daily and the results are not what their skin is not as expected, but even still ... "greasy".

Correction: You need to receive accurate advice about the products really suit my skin. Then follow the steps as normal skin but these products have been carefully selected and best fit.

3 Use a cream with high SPF content

Ladies the illusion that the higher the SPF levels the skin the more they are likely to be avoided ... darken by the sun. Yet Another misconception because SPF actually contains a lot of oil, not to mention the use of high SPF creams can prevent the skin from receiving oxygen and produces blackheads.

Correction: For the face, you should use SPF cream is 30, not higher. Of course there are exceptions for people with skin diseases, skin sensitive to sunlight and ultraviolet radiation.

4 Self-diagnosis for your skin

Most people think that is not necessary to find the aesthetics of physician counseling on skin. However, when self "diagnosis" for their skin at home, they spend more money to make cosmetics and parcel of a pile is not necessarily the case with your skin.

Correction: Make saving a little bit of confidence and an appointment with a dermatologist, specializing in skin aesthetics. Under the expert eye, your skin will be evaluated correctly and you will have the most sound advice.

5 Only for face care

In the process of skin care, most ladies ... just mask and neck only. We just stared concerned face, but neck, hands, feet skin, why? Was a pretty face and limbs are smooth wrinkled, bronzed black ... what you really feel is acceptable?

Correction: Whether you're at the spa or skin care at home, it is important to remember: Skin care was from face to foot all. Take sunscreen, moisturize properly, exfoliate regularly ... That is the key to beautiful skin millimeter.

6 Bathing daily

You startled, right? Yes, anyone would have thought of the first half day anyway. Even with many people, one day to the next bath ... 2 times. But you know, bathing too much and too often will make your skin loses essential oil. Cracked skin, more sensitive to adverse external impacts.

Correction: If the shower once every other day can make you crazy, you can use the French method Bath. That is, you only need to bath in sensitive areas such as underarms, feet, .. etc ... and skip the skin to maintain natural oils.