You do not have the habit of saying that exercise is not necessary. In fact, exercise has many wonderful effects than you think.
According to Dr. Harry Eudene, author of "Live young by 8 simple steps" (Live Younger in 8 simple steps), the exercise not only works to help you shape, lose weight, but it also impacts positive to all parts of the body, from your skin to your mood, your digestive health ...

So there is no reason for you to "reject" exercise. Here are 5 great benefits of exercise, but few people know about.

1 Beautiful skin youthful

The increase in circulation and sweating during continuous movement, exercise will contribute to eliminating toxic wastes through the skin, while providing nutrients for your skin. As a result, your body is not "clean" from the toxic waste that you have the opportunity to own healthy skin, reduced risk of aging. It is also a contributing factor to maintain your youthful.

5 positive effect of extreme exercise, but few people know 1

2 Promoting good mood

Exercise releases endorphins - chemicals in the brain that works to boost the mood and make you feel happy, happy, relaxed and confident. So that you also reduce stress, anxiety leads to depression.

In addition, exercise has also been shown to increase neurotransmitters, including serotonin and dopamine transmission in the body, which helps you feel relaxed and sleep better minds.

3 Prevention of constipation

Exercise increases the contractions of the intestinal wall, thereby allowing for the flow of substances through the intestinal tract more easily, reducing the risk of food accumulates in the colon causing constipation. Thus, digestion also takes place smoothly and avoid the risk of constipation.

However, you should note one thing is just to start exercising after eating about 1-2 hours after eating to avoid collection. Exercise immediately after a meal can divert blood flow away from the gut and toward the muscles, impairing Yeam peristalsis contractions and affect the digestive process, and even lead to stomach pain.

5 positive effect of extreme exercise, but few people know 2

4 Prevents brittle bones

Walking, jogging, dancing, weight training or yoga ... will be considered taking into account physical activity is good for your body weight, especially enhances bone health, strong bones prevent brittle bones. In this weight-bearing exercise, bone will adapt to the effects of weight and then build more cells than bone, increase bone strength and density to reduce the risk of fractures, bone loss and thinning bone.

5 Strengthen immunity and reduce the risk of diabetes, stroke, cancer, heart, high blood pressure ...

Due to the constant movement that speeds blood circulation is enhanced, unobstructed ... so that immunity is better and improve the body can fight disease. Moreover, increased body temperature during exercise as well as the conditions causing pathogenic organisms is difficult to survive and not be harmful to the body.

6 Smarter

Exercise enhances put protein on the brain: more lucid thoughts, make wiser decisions. This is also a good method to improve memory made ​​sharper memory and learning more effective.

However, Dr. Eudene Harry said, not because of the benefits that you regularly exercise too hard or abused exercises inconsistent with his health. You should consult the advice of a doctor or trainer about exercise intensity as well as his suit. Sexual abuse can not only help you but it's even affecting health, such as making your body exhausted, drained of luongj, easy tension.