6 Real Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Today’s World

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video credits: edureka! via Youtube



6 Real Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Today’s World: image edited by Docxdrl via Bitlanders

In the recent past, Bitlanders changed their blogging theme to that of trending technology. This tech has gained momentum in every industry; Artificial Intelligence aka (AI). After several months of reading and blogging on the same theme, I can say I’m a little accustomed to AI topics. Speaking for myself, the blogging that was once difficult, and my concern about artificial intelligence theme blogging, my fear and attitude towards AI theme fade away. I came to love the idea of AI Theme Blogging.

Artificial Intelligence topics are vast! And with increasing human dependency on these smart machines, the day may come when machines will outnumber humans. AI software market is already projected to hit 118.6 billion in revenue by 2025. This because AI is driving us to a future that every-human will depend on AI-technology.  Many big names in the tech industry (Microsoft, IBM, Google etc) have invested heavily into AI acquisitions, research, development and implementation in generating revenue.

The rise of AI-technology has raised eyebrows here and there, but Bitlanders has remained steadfast in their AI theme blogging, whether it is a blessing or a disaster to our earnings, thus far, I’m grateful because I keep learning and exploring new AI frontiers every day!

The future remains blur because AI is easing our everyday life and increasing our dependence on machines. If you use the internet regularly, you may have probably encountered several articles about the application of artificial intelligence in real life without even noticing it, or when surfing the internet, you may be using AI unknowingly.

What is Making AI have Real-Life Use-Case?

There is a lot of noise and facts going about the Internet of Things (IoT) and how is changing the world and its impact on everything from the way we travel and do our shopping to the manufacturers keeping track of our homes inventory systems.


Image credits: data-flair.training

But what most of these online articles are failing to inform you is, this is all possible because of the advancement in communication technology that allows most of our home devices to be connected to the internet.

The internet of things is the common language that each smart device, electronic device or technology can use to communicate with one another

Credited: Docxdrl 

When I say our home and its appliance are been connected with the internet; what I meant by that is everything from your Cell phones, coffee makers, washing machines, headphones, lamps, wearable’s devices and almost anything within the home and outside the home that have the capacity to be connected electronically and via the internet

These actions are made possible by the Internet of Things (IoT) as it has paved the way to more integration of artificial intelligence into most of these systems that made most of our home systems, workplace machines, transportation, healthcare, military and even urbanization.  To look into the dimensions of AI and its use-case, corporate bodies invested in AI and the governments of nations are also not left out SmartDubai.

Here are some of the applications of artificial intelligence in the real world that I have written;

AI and the Healthcare Industry


image credits: ieiworld

The health care industry is one of such industries been revolutionalized by Artificial Intelligence. AI cannot at the moment completely replace Doctors and Nurses in Hospital, but is making human Doctors  & Nurses smarter and can also bring about low-cost health care diagnosis and services.

AI purpose in healthcare is for such process like diagnosis, drug development, personalize medicine, patient monitor and care

Credited: Docxdrl

Sense.ly took another approach by offering an AI-based nurse called Molly  to target specific patients with common medical conditions. Molly is a cross between Whatsapp and Siri that captures all the important signals about a person’s health and not just talk back at the person but does so empathetically.   With such an application, Doctors and Nurse can have more time to concentrate on things Artificial intelligence cannot provide for the people yet.

AI and the Military

The competition between two or more states to have her military forces equipped with the best weapon systems, from hardware to software is already  in existence since the dark ages, but the coming of artificial intelligence is changing the future of military warfare to an AI arm race across the world power states and non-world power.


image credits: army.mil

To win battles the

Military Forces today need more than tanks, drones or ammunition to win battles

Credited Docxdrl 

We are looking at the world from a gunpoint view if the military is allowed to use artificial intelligence in battles especially when it is an AI with the kill codes/kill order.

Starting a military Arm race is a bad idea, and should be prevented by a ban on offensive autonomous weapons beyond meaningful human control

Credited: scipol

No matter what the debate about the use of artificial intelligence in the military should be, the facts are, AI has gained momentum in Military and it won’t slow down.

AI and the Agricultural Industry

Using artificial intelligence in agriculture to boost food production can mean a lot of things. Agriculture is seeing rapid adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) and machines Learning (ML) both in the field and in agricultural research laboratories.

Artificial intelligence is a tool, and with little fine-turning, it can be applied in almost (if not all) fields of life

Credited: Docxdrl

AI as a tool, it can be used to check crop disease, weather reports, harvest crops, plant crops and even milk the cattle.  This so because the demand for food production is on the increase as population increases in the world.


image credits: thomasnet

As part of agricultural productivity solutions for mankind, Artificial intelligence is been deployed to manage some mundane farm routines so that farmers can use the time to focus on another farm tasks that are demanding and labour intensive.

Like most industries, AI has found use in agriculture for the purpose of boosting farm produce and generating profits for farmers.

 AI and our homes

Over the recent past, home automation and smart home devices have become popular, this is because of the advancement in technology-Artificial Intelligence (AI).


image credits: DeCode Staff

Home automation grew gradually and now, AI is making our smart homes care for us in one way or another, by checking our emails and reading relevant and discarding irrelevant mails.

These are made available not by your spouse, house-help, or some hired random stranger in the home, but by artificial intelligence that is programmed to read the conditions surrounding you and your home, to make the necessary adjustment so you can live life to the fullest

Credited: Docxdrl 

Home devices like clocks, speakers, lights, doorbells, cameras, windows blinds, hot water heaters can automatically on and off themselves with simple voice commands or just by the press of a button on a phone or tablet.

These home devices can communicate with themselves and other devices with the help of the Internet of Things, as they can understand natural language because of AI.

AI and the Transport Industry

It is not the problem of when should artificial intelligence be applied in the transportation industry, the future of artificial intelligence in the transport industry is already here!

The future for our transport industry solely rests on the shoulders of engineers, designers and its implementation by transport managers

Credited: Docxdrl

Without the break-through in Artificial Intelligence, Driverless cars, and other forms of automation would not have been possible. This is so because artificial intelligence is already changing the transport industry as we know it. All that humans need to do now is to embrace the changes at our doorsteps and use it productively for the betterment of mankind.


image credits: viatech

Don’t just think of the application of AI in the transport industry as just driverless cars, it goes deeper than that! And right now, the future of artificial intelligence in transport is just at the surface.

AI and the Business Environment

If you are still associating artificial intelligence with science-fiction, or just a mad man dreams, then, you are still living under a rock and you are still using Windows XP as your OS version of computer.


image credits: iamwire

Because AI has found mainstream acceptance and is making it move on all spheres of learning curves, business, medicine, pharmacy, transport etc. It is just a matter of time before man and machine can live together.

This specific technology (AI) is bringing about

Innovation, new business opportunities and reshaping the way companies operate using a competitive advantage

Credited: Docxdrl

By the knowledge provided by artificial intelligence and its ability to quickly make a sound decision that becomes profitable for businessmen and women across the globe. It has come to stay for good!

To make the best out of artificial intelligence, companies should be putting these smart technologies into making profits and enhancing their business reach!

To find out more about the applications of Artificial Intelligence that re not written in this blog post, chat with me via Querlo and find out 

On A Final Note

Whether rosy or rocky, doom or salvation, killer robots or not, the future of artificial intelligence applications in most of the industries of the world is upon us! We can’t deny it or force it away, it is certainly part of our everyday lifestyles.  AI is still finding more use-case in other fields of life.

video credit: Simplilearn via Youtube

This technology is bringing about innovation, recreation and reshaping our very own thought about what its application may lead the future into.  But as the technology grows, more business setup will emerge, consumers will turn to AI and the future will see man and machines together co-existing.

Along with the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence has the potential of remaking everything it touches for the betterment of mankind!




About the author


Simple, Kind and always keeping it real

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