Jump rope

jump rope workout is easy to perform most tier and not spend the money for the purchase of the tool. Just one line long enough, sure grip and a moderately wide space is that you can work out. If so jump rope in the morning when the body is fully awake. After a day's work you are easy to fall into bad stress, and lazy campaign.

Stand up sit down

movements stand up sit down repeatedly made very simple. Prepare a cushion softness, standing leg's hands by shoulders, hands taken straight off the front and parallel to the floor or attach to a certain object. Then, constantly stand up sit down for twenty minutes.

This is a very simple exercise but helps reduce dramatically the last two measurements. Avoid this movement exercise after eating no or drinking lots of water leads to bad nausea, stomach pain

Breathe Earth

The fight to push (or breathe in the soil) are usually not my favorite sister because it requires strength in the arms and the legs. Who are uncomfortable with this movement more vulnerable to loss of strength and wrist sprains. However, putting that helps burn excess fat quickly and helps the muscles more toned.

those who are uncomfortable putting gentle exercises, slowly in short time. First 5 minutes grew 10 and 15 minutes. Nor should it apply this exercise often leads to bigger biceps and shoulders. Each week should only set of putting from 2 to 3 times each time a maximum of 15 minutes.

Matching pillows hand weights Them

the sagging pillows, stretch the legs attached to the hand weight (artwork) are many health professionals appreciate. Because it enhances the décor combines flexible arms and legs. This exercise helps the thighs, buttocks and waist compact at the same time help the arms and chest firming, healthier


many people afraid to swim because takes time and cannot be done on a daily basis. However just a week you spend about 30 minutes to 1 hour to pool health will significantly improve and weigh the relative decline.


treadmill offers a lot of benefits. It helps reduce stress, improve your cardiovascular health, reduce the risk of depression, burn calories and improve your overall health.