Knowing important events and issues in our society is very essential. We need to know them in order to be aware of what's happening around us. In this modern day, there are many forms of media we could get information from, and the most convenient one is the social media. However, social media is not a very reliable source so it is best to go for a trusted one. In the United States, there is one program people have trusted for decades—60 Minutes.
60 Minutes is the longest-running news magazine television program in United States tackling various issues on politics, environment, people, society, etc. Interact with bitLanders' C-blogging by Querlo below to know more about 60 Minutes and why people trust this show.
(Querlo is an artificial intelligence solution that works real-time and is geared towards human emotions making the conversation natural and seemingly interacting with a real human. Recently, bitLanders partnered with IBM Watson and Microsoft to integrate "The bitLanders C-blogging" on Querlo.)

(image source: screenshot of Querlo chat - 60 Minutes by Katsanslimites)
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✧ Katsanslimites