7 Weirdest Gadgets You'll Never Need

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1. Brain Bit:

Like a health tracker you would wear on your wrist, this comes as a headband that can read your emotions. Do we really need a device to tell us how we feel?

2. Ziro motion control glove:

Put on this special glove and with each motion a 4-wheeled robot will move according to it. Almost like a remote-controlled car toy but instead of a handset you use your hand.

3. Paper-thin TV:

Remember how 10-15 years ago we thought we’d have paper-thin TVs in a few years? Well, this time has come – LG designed a paper-thin display that be rolled up like a piece of paper.

4. Smart Fridge:

Another not so useful thing to have. Whilst it tells you what’s inside the fridge so you know what you need to buy – are you really going to listen to your fridge telling you what to eat? A new advanced version even opens the door once you step in front of it. Imagine annoying hundreds of times when you walk past and your fridge just opens up.

5. Smart Alarm:

This device however might just be the only thing to wake you up – it releases scents of fresh bread, ocean, coffee, chocolate or mint once the alarm goes off. Try resisting!

6. Hug Shirts:

Get two shirts for yourself and your friend and put them on – if you hug yourself, your friend will feel it on his shirt as if you were really there. Maybe it sounds cool but isn’t it weird if somewhere in the middle of a street you feel an urge to hug yourself?

7. Google Glass:

The most talked about device of the year – it is like having a phone in your glasses. Futuristic indeed but it also raises a lot of security issues. We’ll see if they decide to make it fully available to public.

About the author


A Mechanical Engineering pursuing some artistic works like novel writing, poetry, debating and other stuff.
But I'm also involved into computer gaming and sports.

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