8 Amazing Substitutes for Meat

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Image Credit: Hello Magazine / Edited via Photoshop

All right, everyone loves meat, we can't just get enough of it, but still, consuming too much meat cannot be good for you. Just think of the calories and the cholesterols, just thinking about is already making my heart suffer. But worry not, here, in this blog, we will discuss 8 amazing substitutes for meat. Not only will these alternatives for meat taste good, but they will also be good for you.

I can honestly say that going vegan does not mean that you would need to sacrifice flavor for health benefits, pretty much anything that you used to eat as a meat lover can be made with this amazing ingredients. With a little preparation, this vegan alternatives can just be as delicious as meat.

Here is an amazing guide to meat substitutes.



Image Credit: Eat Plant-based

Tofu is a great, healthy and delicious substitute for meat, be it chicken, pork, seafood, or beef. Tofu is made from soybeans and it is low in calorie as well as being high in protein, iron, and calcium. It usually tastes bland and unappetizing, but this is what makes tofu great. By adding seasoning or even marinating it in different sauces, you can enjoy tofu in a variety of ways. Grilling, baking, steaming, or even frying, tofu can be used in all this and more.

Tofu is made from coagulating soymilk, which is made from ground soybeans. These bean curds that are formed are pressed together in a rectangular mold to give it it's traditional soft, white, and blocky appearance. Tofu can be soft, firm, or even extra firm. It has a bland taste that makes it ideal for both sweet and savory dishes.

If you are not a fan of tofu's soft and mushy texture, then here is an amazing video on how to make tofu taste and feel like meat. Well as close to meat as we can get.

Video Credit: The Easy Vegan via Youtube



Image Credit: Food Revolution

Mushrooms are one of the most amazing meat substitutes out there. If you want that savory and umami taste of meat, then mushrooms are what you need.

Mushrooms have a rich umami taste, it has an earthy, and meaty taste most especially in cremini or Portobello mushrooms. They have a nice firm texture that is close to the texture of meat. Not only are they low in calories and carbohydrates, but they are also a great source of vitamins B and D, as well as being a moderate source of phosphorus, zinc, and potassium.



Image Credit: Ten Cable Street

Tempeh is a soy product that originally came from Indonesia. Just like tofu, it is made from soybeans, but unlike tofu, tempeh is made from the whole beans, the soybeans are fermented as well. The soybeans are soaked in water, dehulled, and then partially cooked. After cooking, it is then fermented for a few days. Tempeh is rich in proteins as well as in vitamin B. The fermentation process also allows for the easier digestion of the soybean's carbohydrates.

Tempeh is usually cooked by first cutting it into pieces, then soaking it in salty brines or in various sauces. It is then fried, this can now be used in different dishes, such as soups, stews, salads, or even in sandwiches. Tempeh is known to have a nutty and meaty taste.



Image Credit: Wide Open Eats

Jackfruit is a tropical fruit, yes it is a fruit. Although jackfruit is a fruit and not a vegetable, the texture and taste of unripe jackfruits make for a wonderful meat substitute. It has a slightly sweet taste even though its raw, but the sweetness is mild enough that the fruit can still be used as a savory stand-in in meat dishes. The mild flavor of the jackfruit allows it to absorb different flavors and spices.



Image Credit: Medical News Today

Lentils are one of the oldest pulse crop known to man, and it has always been used as a substitute for meat even before the word vegan came about. It is a cheap alternative for ground beef and it can be found in just about anywhere. Lentils are known to have a rich earthy flavor as well as being able to be cooked in a variety of ways.

☞Beans and Legumes☜


Image Credit: Oh My Veggies

Beans and Legumes are a cheap alternative for meat. It is both filling and nutritious. They can be cooked in various ways such as in stews, soups, fried, stir-fried, cooked with rice, and many more. It is also a wonderful substitute for ground meat, by mashing the beans and legumes, we can use it as the main ingredient in sausages and burgers. It is a great source of protein, dietary fiber, carbohydrates, and minerals.



Image Credit: One Green Planet

Seitan is also known as wheat gluten. It is a food made from the protein of wheat. It is made by washing the flour dough made from wheat flour under running water until the starch comes off and only the gluten remains. Most wheat gluten found in the market has a chewy or even a stringy texture that comes close to meat and depending on how you flavor it, seitan makes for a wonderful substitute for meat. It is a popular meat substitute that has been a staple in the vegan community in Asia.



Image Credit: Essence Nutrition

Chickpeas are wonderful ingredients that should be included in any diet. It contains more protein than any meat as well as being a great source of iron and fiber, it also contains the same amount of calcium from what you can get from milk.

Chickpeas have been used as a basic ingredient in most Middle Eastern dishes such as falafel and hummus. Mashed into a paste, chickpeas can be used to make vegan burgers and sausages as well. It can also be made into a wonderful snack of chickpea popcorn, where the chickpea is popped and eaten like popcorn. Not only can it be used for savory dishes, but it can also be used in desserts. An example of this would be the Philippine dessert Halo-Halo, where the chickpeas are cooked in sugar syrup and mixed with this scrumptious dessert. The Aquafaba or the water that was used in cooking the chickpeas can also be used as an egg white substitute, like in the dishes meringue or marshmallow.

☞One Last Thing☜


 Image Credit: Verdict

As more and more scandals are appearing about the risks in eating meat, we all would think that turning vegan is the way to go, but as meat lovers, how can we survive with eating only plants.

Yes! You can survive going vegan with these wonderful ingredients that can be used as a substitute for meat. Meat lovers turned vegan can still have a satisfying meaty meal, without the meat, the possibilities are endless.

Here is a short video on how to make easy vegetarian curry.

Video Credit: HowToBasic via Youtube

So try it now and use this wonderful healthy meat alternatives for a healthier lifestyle.


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Written by Eeza_1986 for Bitlanders.

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