8 Healthy Eating Tips

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       To maintain a good health, eating well plays an important part. Below are some tips:

1. Base your meals on starchy foods as these give you energy.

2. Eat at least five portions of a variety of fruits and vegetables a day.

3. Eat more fish. Eat at least two portions of fish every week including one portion of oily fish such as mackerel or sardines.

4. Cut down on saturated fat and sugar.

5. Eat less salt - no more than 6g a day for adults.

6. Monitor your weight.

7. Drink plenty of water about eight glasses or other fluids every day.

8. Don`t skip breakfast because it give you the energy yo need for the day

 Reference: http://www.nhs.uk/chq/pages/1127.aspx?categorylD=51


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a simple person

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