8. Niagara Putuk Truno

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Niagara Putuk Truno have a water level of about 45 m and is the foot of Mount Welirang and Arjuno. Niagara is Tretes tourist area and is only about 400 m from the Niagara Grandfather Bodo.

That said, the name of this waterfall is taken from the myth of a man named Joko Truno, someone imprisoned around the waterfall until transformed into a snake (Putuk).


Located in Jalan Putuk Truno, Pecalukan Village, Prigen, Pasuruan, East Java Province. Located about 55 km to the south of the city of Surabaya. From the main entrance is on the path Putuk Truno Pringgen, about 500 m from the highway Pandaan - Tretes. The uphill road conditions up to the post entry. The next of these incoming postal journey continues on foot down the footpath of approximately 300 m to reach the waterfall location. This path has been concreted and the steps made to facilitate visitors coming. In some places, visible warning sign to be cautious because the area is prone to landslides. On the right side is a cliff, while the left side is the river that is covered by leafy trees. On top of the cliff to the left looks exactly monastery built on the edge of a cliff.


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