80 hours crewing part 2

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After doing some research for KJ's film I got a chance to be on a film that not only inspired me but also was really helpful and I learnt a lot from it. This film is written and Directed by a man called George Smith, his film inspired me so much that I wanted to part of every part of it as I could for his shoot I was the interviewer at the school we went into a school and I interviewed children for his film I was interviewer for 5 hours. This was so much fun as I love children and I love their creativity so it was cool to hear their stories and storyboards for the film that the children had created. Then when it came to Production I was a Makeup artist and a runner. The Production went really well and I made new contacts through his actors. Doing the makeup was really fun for me it gave me a chance to show the skills that I have in that department and a plus side it’s something that I really love doing. So for the Production I worked 10 hours on the shoot day.  Also I attended the crew meetings which all together are 5 hours. I feel this film has been the most beneficial and fun to be apart of. We have learnt so much with our creativity module and how society stops you from being creative so it was nice to hear the kids at the school; and their stories.


Overall ive really enjoyed working on 3rd films as it’s what we all love to do, we all help each other. I love making my own films but I really did enjoy working on other film sets. I’ve learnt how to work as a team better and how to plan time.



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