9 Health Benefits of Moringa Oleifera

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Image Credit: all natural ideas / Edited via Photoshop


Moringa Oleifera, which can be called the tree of life, a new and upcoming superfood that is becoming quickly popular in the mainstream health community. It is a tree wherein almost every part can be used in a variety of ways, be it in cooking, medicine, supplements, skincare, haircare, cosmetics and many more.

To give a brief description about moringa let me give a quick quote from my previous blog.

Moringa is a newcomer to the mainstream health community, It is a fast-growing, drought-resistant, deciduous tree, native to tropical and sub-tropical areas such as Asia, Africa, and South America. When fully grown, the tree can reach a height of 32 to 40 ft. The moringa tree has a whitish-grey colored bark, with an open crown of drooping branches and feather-like, multi-divided foliage of leaves.

Source: Eeza_1986

Here is a list of the various health benefits of moringa.

❁Health Benefits Of Moringa❁

❁Moringa is full of nutrients.❁

Image Credit: Bunker Veins

Moringa is full of nutrients, it is a superfood that is full of vitamins, proteins, and minerals, that it can help supplement a nutrient deficient diet. It contains a staggering ninety-two nutrients as well as being full of antioxidants, and it has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

Just a single serving of moringa can fill your daily nutritional needs of vitamins, as well as various minerals such as iron and calcium. It contains four times the amount of calcium than the same amount of milk, more than twice the protein and three times the amount of potassium in bananas, and more vitamin C than 7 oranges.

To further explain the various nutrients found in moringa, let me give a quick quote from my previous blog.

Moringa is rich in Vitamins (such as vitamins A, Thiamine (B1), Riboflavin (B2), Niacin (B3), Pantothenic acid (B5), B6, vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid), and folates (B9)), Proteins, it is one of the only known vegetables that contain a high amount of protein, and Minerals (such as Iron, Calcium, Zinc, Potassium, Manganese, Sodium, Magnesium, and Phosphorus). Moringa leaves can help in iron deficiencies since it is an iron-rich food that can provide about 31% of the needed nutritional daily value.

Source: Eeza_1986

❁Moringa is rich in antioxidants.❁


Image Credit: seetheclarity

Antioxidants are compounds that help your body fight against free radicals that can cause aging in the body as well as a number of diseases by protecting the cells from damage. A single moringa tree contains a staggering amount of 46 natural antioxidants.

As everyone knows, free radicals are unstable elements that can damage the cells of the body, this, in turn, can cause age-related changes in the body as well as a host of different illnesses. With this, antioxidants are needed to help us combat against these free radicals since antioxidants neutralize and remove the free radicals from the body.

Since the body cannot produce enough antioxidants to fight against these free radicals, an external source is needed to help replenish and maintain the needed antioxidants level in the body.

Since moringa is full of antioxidants it can help the body remove these free radicals as well as prevent and treat over 300 diseases and health problems.

❁Moringa has anti-inflammatory properties.❁

Image Credit: Cassie

Inflammation is the natural response of the body against infections and injuries. It is an auto-immune response of the body, but if it continues for a long time, this may become a major health issue. Prolonged inflammations can lead to chronic problems such as respiratory problems, arthritis, joint pains, heart disease, diabetes as well as obesity.

Moringa reduces inflammation since it contains compounds such as isothiocyanates which can suppress inflammatory enzymes and proteins in the body which can help lower inflammations in the body.

❁Moringa may help reduce diabetes.❁

Image Credit: wbur

Since high glucose levels can lead to diabetes, it is important to lower your glucose level.

Moringa is a superfood that can help lower your body's glucose and blood sugar level by reducing the lipid and glucose levels of the body. This potentially can help reduce the risk of diabetes as well as treat chronic hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia.

❁Moringa can help lower cholesterol.❁

Image Credit: Thinkoily.com

Moringa contains various compounds that can help reduce bad cholesterol as well as increasing the good cholesterol levels which can help lower various cardiovascular diseases. Studies that were done by the "National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)" showed that people on a high-fat diet that incorporated moringa extracts into their diet, showed a reduction in their cholesterol level.

❁Moringa can help protect the liver.❁

Image Credit: selfcarer

The leaves and flowers of the moringa contain high levels of polyphenols which can help protect the liver from damages, as well as reverse oxidation in the liver.

❁Moringa is a powerful cold medicine.❁


Image Credit: Dallas Observer

Moringa contains twenty-five times more iron than spinach, as well as a high Beta-Carotene content and a slew of vitamin Bs, folic acids, Calcium, and other essential vitamins, and by combining these with moringa's ability to increase hemoglobin levels in the blood, gives you a powerful way to strengthen your immune system.

If you find yourself suffering from the cold or the flu, then just take a serving of moringa to help you boost your immune system and improve your energy levels.

❁Moringa has antibacterial properties.❁

Image Credit: European-coatings

Moringa contains antibacterial, antiseptic, and anti-fungal properties that can help fight off infections, such as skin infections, urinary tract infections, and digestive problems.

❁Moringa can treat stomach disorders.❁

Image Credit: healthmag

Moringa leaves contain various compounds and antioxidants such as Tannins and Flavonoids, that can help heal the digestive system. Regular consumption of moringa can help treat a variety of stomach ailments. It can help kill intestinal worms, reduce inflammations, treat gastric ulcers, acid reflux, upset stomachs, and more.

❁Final Thoughts❁

Moringa oleifera is a superfood that contains many benefits, it is has been used since ancient times as a herbal diet and as a traditional herbal medicine. It is highly nutritious and can be beneficial to people that are lacking essential nutrients. Moringa is an immune booster, as well as having antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects and can help cure more than 300 illnesses and conditions.

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Written by Eeza_1986 for Bitlanders.

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