Wide world contains much beauty that visitors to each step will never forget as Easter Island (Peru), Great Pyramid of Giza (Egypt) ...

1 Easter Island, Chile
Easter Island is located on the Pacific coast, owns 900 giant moai statues, carved with many different positions. Before, they were buried under a layer of gravel, and scattered around the island. How the ancient indigenous people can carry this enormous statues to various locations on the island and what they mean remains a question yet to be answered.
2 Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
Kilimajaro is the highest mountain in Africa, located in the plains northeast Tanzania. To be able to climb to the top will take about 6 to 7 days, and the conquest should have more patience than mountaineering skills.
3 Lalibela, Ethiopia
Located in northern Ethiopia, Lalibela is the destination of one of the greatest pilgrimage in the world. The abandoned stone church here has gone through cataclysm took place during the 13th century Today, the traces of this mysterious attracting thousands of tourists visit each year.
4 Machu Picchu, Peru
Machu Picchu is an ancient city located in the high mountains, is surrounded by rugged cliffs. City of ancient Incas Hiram Bingham since its discovery in 1911 has become a favorite destination for adventurous people. Trails leading to Machu Picchu it takes 4 days to complete.
5 Giza, Egypt
The river Nile, Egypt, Great Pyramid of Giza was built over 4,000 years ago. For centuries, this has always been the ideal destination for adventurers, archaeologists ...
6 Gauteng, South Africa
53,000 hectares wide, Gauteng in South Africa is the land is considered as one of the cradles of the human species. According to UNESCO, Gauteng plays an important role in the development of knowledge and the evolution of mankind.
7 Tokyo, Japan
No place in the world can bring their visitors feel just a drop of water between the ocean as in the Japanese capital Tokyo. This is the home of 35 million people and is also the most populous urban areas in the world. Tourists can live in this city for many years, but still feels odd and strange.
8 Agra, India
Visitors to the city would be overwhelmed by the beauty of the Taj Mahal. These are works from the 1600s built by Shah Jahan for his deceased wife, it took 20 years to complete.
9 Galápagos Islands, Ecuador
With over 1,000 km of coastline, Galapagos is one of those rare places provide ample information about the best scientific knowledge to us. Here, Charles Darwin had observed and studied the animals on different islands to form the theory of evolution.