A balance between work and pleasure! Ginger and Rosa...

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There's nothing worse than drowning yourself in a pit of stress, work, frustration and money worries...

I have to keep reminding myself at the minute to do something different! I'm far too much of a hippie to fry my brain cells on one side of the cooker so...today, I flipped and tossed the pan a bit.

The Cornerhouse in Manchester is a quaint and charming little independent cinema and there I watched a new film by British filmmaker Sally Potter called 'Ginger and Rosa'.

Very unusual, very deep, somewhat disturbing and pretty damn thorough.

Two best girl-friends stuck in the 1960's who are wrapped up in the Cold War, sexual revolution and the dysfunctional backdrop of their parents bitter lives.

Awesome performances, some awkwardly uncomfortable moments and an air of stomach twisting agony.

Definitely worth a watch but only when you're 110% alert!

And as well as other little pleasures, I thought I'd share one of my art pieces :)

Remember to Work Hard but NEVER forget to Play Hard guys :)


About the author


I make short films for a hobby! Despite 7 years studying towards a professional career in the medium I have found freedom of film-making and self expression doesn't come with a pay check...I have a huge interest in Youth/Community development that I like to blog, photograph and film :)

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