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I would like to share the scene in the Robben island of Atlantic Ocean. In this scene, I see an indomitable spirit of Dr. Nelson Mandela, who was jailed for 26 years in a single prison cell. When he was freed, he gave two graceful gifts to his nation. One was the magnanimity in victory by providing equal constitutional rights to the 10 percent of the white population, who were the main propagators of apartheid.


The second was his book entitled- a long walk of freedom, the famous work which he wrote stealthily in the prison. With all my experience in India and abroad, one thing is very clear, that in this planet of 6 billion people, what is needed is the fight against injustice.


Mahatma Gandhi in Africa fought against apartheid, Dr. Nelson Mandela gave the final leadership to remove the apartheid regime from South Africa. In India, Gandhi with his experience in fighting against injustice in South Africa fought against the British for India's freedom. From these experiences, what we learn historically is that we have to have a major mission against injustice and we have to fight till injustice is completely removed.

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