A strange love with Pain

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I guess we tend to area unit the left-overs during this world.

I think so...all of my friends have boyfriends, and that we area unit the sole the two individuals left during this world with none special person in our lives.

Yup, i do not apprehend what to try and do.

I know! We'll play a game.

What game?

I'll be your girlfriend for thirty days
and you'll be my beau.

That's an excellent arrange, in fact, i do not have something to try and do
much for the subsequent few weeks.

DAY 1:
They watch their initial picture show
and they each area unit touched by the romantic film.

DAY 4:
They went visit the beach and have a picnic. Derick and liliaceous plant have their quality time along.

DAY 12:
Derick invited liliaceous plant to a circus and that they ride through a Horror House.
Lily was frightened and she or he thought she touched Derick's hand however she truly touched somebody else's hand they each laughed.

DAY 15:
They saw a fortune teller down the road, and that they asked for his or her future recommendation.
The fortune teller said:
"My darlings, please do not waste the time of your life, pay the remainder of some time along, happily." Then tears flowed out from the teller's eyes.

DAY 20:
Lily invited Derick to travel to Capitol Hill
and they saw a meteor; liliaceous plant mumbled one thing.

DAY 28:
They Sabbatum on the bus, and since of a rough road liliaceous plant gave her initial kiss to Derick out of the blue.

DAY 29:
11:37 pm:
Lily and Derick Sabbatum within the park wherever they initial set to play this game.

I'm tired liliaceous plant...Do you need something to drink? i am going to get you one...I'll simply go down the road.

An fruit crush, that's all. Thank you.

Wait for Pine Tree State.

20 minutes later
A trespasser approached siliceous plant

Are you a follower of Derick?

Yes, why? What happened?

A reckless drunk driver ran over Derick, and he's in crucial condition within the hospital.

11:57 pm:

We found this in Derick's pocket.

Lily reads the letter and it says:
Lily, These past few weeks, i spotted you're a very cute woman, and that i am very falling for you-your cherished smile, your everything once we compete this game. Before this game ends, i'd such as you to be my girlfriend for the remainder of my life.
I love you, Lily.

Lily crumpled up the paper and shouted:

"Derick! i do not need you to die-
I love you; keep in mind that night once we saw a meteor and that i mumbled one thing. I mumbled that I want we might be along forever which we might ne'er have to be compelled to finish this game. Please do not leave Pine Tree State Derick .. i like you! you cannot try this to me!"

Then the clock strikes twelve...

Derick's heart stopped pumping...

It was the thirtieth day.

source : http://www.bubblews.com/news/8358351-a-strange-love