About Bouncer Chronicles: Conversation with Wayne Catan, Part 2

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Wayne speaks of his brother bouncing at Rascals. He tells of his two “oh shit” moments. The first being when we got into a huge street fight with this gang from Chinatown. The second is the shooting that occurred between rookie NYPD officers and four Albanian guys outside of Rascals. He describes how he wasn’t the best bouncer and how nervous he used to get especially when a gun was involved. Wayne tells about Billy Stanton and how Billy was a master of perception. Another scary moment for Wayne was when his friend national NCAA heavyweight champion Bill Hyman came into Rascals. After drinking all night, Bill started a fight with the owner Blue.

About the author


Having bounced in the best New York City clubs for twenty five years, I have met some of the most colorful and interesting characters in the business. It was my passion to share my story as well as theirs.

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